Location manager

Everything DiSC Workplace

  • Who should attend?
  • Program overview
  • Individuals in any role
  • Leadership teams
  • 职能或跨职能团队(如项目团队)
  • Other existing teams
基于对不同行为风格的理解,建立更有效和富有成效的工作关系. In this course, 您将使用一个简单的配置文件工具,旨在帮助您了解自己和他人. This course includes an interactive assessment process, 对团队建设有用的现实技巧和实用策略, employee communication, conflict management, motivation, career development and more.

Foundations of Supervision

  • Who should attend?
  • Program overview
  • Current managers newer to leadership <3 years
  • Managers wishing to hone their skills
  • Team members on the path to leadership

这个项目为新的领导者或那些有职业愿望的人提供必要的技能和工具,让他们与他人一起完成工作. 该计划旨在帮助成功地从个人贡献者转变为他人的领导者. 有效的领导者分享了本课程所强调的一些共同技能:

  1. 对个人澳门皇冠赌场平台和领导风格的自我意识
  2. Create an engaged workforce committed to success
  3. Effectively lead others through change

High Impact Presentations

  • Who should attend?
  • Program overview
该计划适合于需要向内部和/或外部受众提供有说服力的信息的领导者. This includes cooperative boards, management teams, 领导者和个人进入新的角色,沟通是关键.
课程以一段“演讲前”视频开始,作为评估个人独特演讲风格的基准. At the conclusion of the session, 一个“之后”的视频将有形地展示每个人在课程期间的成长.

Leading for Impact

  • Who should attend?
  • Program overview
  • Experienced managers who supervise others
  • 必须有能力与他们的团队合作,创造团队文化和愿景宣言
  • 有能力制定团队战略和目标,并让其他人对此负责
  • 有机会为团队提供持续的反馈和指导

The world is changing at an unprecedented pace. 每天,领导者都要做出无数的决定,面对他们以前从未遇到过的问题. Today’s leaders must be able to:

  1. Think BIG and adapt quickly
  2. Translate strategy into meaningful work for their teams
  3. Coach people to a higher level of performance

领导影响力解决了与他人一起或通过他人实现结果所需的心态和行为改变. The 4 Essential Roles of Leadership program content, offered in partnership with FranklinCovey, 是否有一个实用的框架可以帮助领导者将时间和精力集中在产生最大影响的地方.

Leading for Results

  • Who should attend?
  • Program overview
  • Current and future GMs and CEOs
  • 立志在未来1 ~ 2年内成为总经理或CEO的人

Leading for Results is an exclusive, 高水平的学习经验是由合作的领导者设计的,没有其他的项目像它一样.

由受人尊敬的北达科他州立大学(NDSU)教师授课, 本课程将帮助您通过更好地理解治理来获得积极的结果, finance, strategic planning/execution, risk management, and leadership and communication skills. 参与者有资格获得8个学分,可申请新大MBA学位. Additionally, 你将与其他面临类似挑战和机遇的合作领导人建立联系.

Two men looking at a graph on a smart screen
Commodity hedging classes
CHS对冲计划旨在帮助企业和个人更好地了解和建立长期商品价格风险澳门皇冠赌场平台. 课程在特定时间提供,但可以根据要求定制和现场交付.
Olivia Nelligan speaking with a farmer-owner
Owner events